Biden is the biggest bully of all. If he persists in his loser toxic totalitarian path, he will put Trump in as Hillary did. What of RFK, Jr? Is he a bully too?
If he doesn't run, Biden is sure to go down in the short list of very consequential one-term presidents -- Polk, LBJ, and Carter. Biden's Inflation Reducation Act -- negotiated with a hostile Republican Congress -- is the most far-reaching piece of industrial policy in decades. After years of dawdling, he bit the bullet and withdrew from Afghanistan. He saw the country through tne end of the pandemic, presided over what may be an economic "soft landing" after the disruptions of the 2010s, pulled NATO together to respond to Putin in Ukraine -- and then, to prove he wasnt too old, took an icy dip in the Atlantic Ocean on Thanksgiving Day. What a guy.
True the sequence of presidential conventions makes that scenario possible, and LBJ played a decisive role in the D’s nominating HHH in 1968, but I don’t see the path to a different D nominee (chosen by Biden) after the Rs select their’s.
In your scenario, who is your D (not a list — name the one who could be nominated as B’s choice).
I’ll join you in that toast! But not in your optimism. I agree about Trump’s nomination. But not for the election in 2024 if the choice is [MAGA stand in] vs Biden. 😱
Thanks such dismal times it is refreshing to read an optimistic outlook, cockeyed or not.
Thanks Jim. Salutes are unusual.
We are not aligned, alas. Tks for checking in.
Biden is the biggest bully of all. If he persists in his loser toxic totalitarian path, he will put Trump in as Hillary did. What of RFK, Jr? Is he a bully too?
That's my point. But he can't be bullied out on age grounds -- he has to feel the choice is his and Jill's.
If he doesn't run, Biden is sure to go down in the short list of very consequential one-term presidents -- Polk, LBJ, and Carter. Biden's Inflation Reducation Act -- negotiated with a hostile Republican Congress -- is the most far-reaching piece of industrial policy in decades. After years of dawdling, he bit the bullet and withdrew from Afghanistan. He saw the country through tne end of the pandemic, presided over what may be an economic "soft landing" after the disruptions of the 2010s, pulled NATO together to respond to Putin in Ukraine -- and then, to prove he wasnt too old, took an icy dip in the Atlantic Ocean on Thanksgiving Day. What a guy.
The point is that there is no predictable future just that there will be one.
True the sequence of presidential conventions makes that scenario possible, and LBJ played a decisive role in the D’s nominating HHH in 1968, but I don’t see the path to a different D nominee (chosen by Biden) after the Rs select their’s.
In your scenario, who is your D (not a list — name the one who could be nominated as B’s choice).
I’ll join you in that toast! But not in your optimism. I agree about Trump’s nomination. But not for the election in 2024 if the choice is [MAGA stand in] vs Biden. 😱
Who’s your Democrat? If Trump is out my sense is that Joe can choose not to endure this.