My admiration of this campaign "to bring back the essence of what makes Brandeis special" grew deeper when I saw the Nov. 5 ad at the back of The New York Times Magazine.
"Just because Jews are accepted by universities doesn't mean they are accepted," its headline says four weekends after the atrocities of Oct. 7, which have been followed by troubling incidents at some prestigious campuses. Timely, on-point messaging.
This is such an amazing piece. I always wondered why my esteemed philosophy professor Henry Aiken left his tenured position as a full professor at Harvard for Brandeis … Now I know !!
Incidentally my dad, Saul Andelman, was admitted to Harvard (class of 1931) … he believed he’d won admission under the quota of students from Cambridge High & Latin where he was near the top of his class… I now believe he may have been a twofer…satisfying Jewish & Cambridge quotas with a single admit !!!
My admiration of this campaign "to bring back the essence of what makes Brandeis special" grew deeper when I saw the Nov. 5 ad at the back of The New York Times Magazine.
"Just because Jews are accepted by universities doesn't mean they are accepted," its headline says four weekends after the atrocities of Oct. 7, which have been followed by troubling incidents at some prestigious campuses. Timely, on-point messaging.
This is such an amazing piece. I always wondered why my esteemed philosophy professor Henry Aiken left his tenured position as a full professor at Harvard for Brandeis … Now I know !!
Thank you, Peter !
Incidentally my dad, Saul Andelman, was admitted to Harvard (class of 1931) … he believed he’d won admission under the quota of students from Cambridge High & Latin where he was near the top of his class… I now believe he may have been a twofer…satisfying Jewish & Cambridge quotas with a single admit !!!